About the Heritage Oak Park CDD
The Heritage Oak Park Community Development District (CDD) is an independent special-purpose local government that was created to provide specific services to property owners within the Heritage Oak Park District.
The CDD is responsible for operating and maintaining streets and streetlights, conservation areas, perimeter fences and gates, surface water management systems, irrigation pumps, and recreational facilities, such as the Lodge complex buildings, pool, tennis, bocce, shuffleboard, and other community areas.
The CDD employs Inframark as its District Manager. Inframark provides on-site and off-site employees and uses various outside contractors as needed to carry out work.
The CDD office is open from 10:00 am to 3:30 pm to residents to handle questions and listen to their concerns. Days and hours of operation are posted in the Lodge. All records of the CDD are available to the public on request at the CDD Office or by contacting Sandra DeMarco at [email protected]
The CDD has no responsibility for the maintenance of homes or private properties within the District. The CDD provides irrigation services to private properties owned by residents and charges for this service through a line item on each resident’s tax bill.
CDD Governance
All CDDs in Florida are governed by Florida Statutes Chapter 190, Community Development Districts. This statute clearly defines what the CDD can do and how it can do it. The attached document explains in detail what Chapter 190 is.
The CDD relies on the professional services of a District Manager, a District Engineer, and a District Attorney to ensure that all financial and legal requirements are met.
Election to the Board
The CDD has a five-member Board of Supervisors. Each Supervisor is elected for a four-year term during the November state-wide general elections conducted by Charlotte County.
The terms of Supervisors are staggered so that two are on the ballot in one election and three in the next election.
Residents of Heritage Oak Park who are registered voters in the state of Florida may vote for CDD Supervisors. Residents of Florida who are not in Florida during the election may vote for CDD Supervisors by absentee ballot.
Residents who wish to run for the CDD Board should contact the District Manager at Inframark for detailed information, or please contact Charlotte County Supervisors of Election at 226 Taylor Street, Punta Gorda, FL 33951 or by phone at (239) 553-6304.
Election to the Board
The CDD has a five-member Board of Supervisors. Each Supervisor is elected for a four-year term during the November state-wide general elections conducted by Charlotte County.
The terms of Supervisors are staggered so that two are on the ballot in one election and three in the next election.
Residents of Heritage Oak Park who are registered voters in the state of Florida may vote for CDD Supervisors. Residents of Florida who are not in Florida during the election may vote for CDD Supervisors by absentee ballot.
Residents who wish to run for the CDD Board should contact the District Manager at Inframark for detailed information, or please contact Charlotte County Supervisors of Election at 226 Taylor Street, Punta Gorda, FL 33951 or by phone at
(239) 553-6304.
In order to carry out its responsibilities, the CDD develops an annual budget and levies non-ad valorem taxes on properties within Heritage Oak Park. The Charlotte County Tax Assessor collects the taxes from homeowners and returns them to the CDD.
The CDD has the authority to levy special assessments, borrow money, and issue bonds to cover expenses as appropriate.